Dockless Mobility Requirements

Research on dockless mobility was initiated by the City of Brookhaven Department of Community Development in late 2017, with presentations being provided to City Council in September and November 2018. The City Council adopted the dockless mobility ordinance on March 26, 2019.

The ordinance provides requirements for operators and users related to safety, user behavior, signage, parking, equity, and user protections. Approved operators are permitted to maintain 50 dockless mobility units within the City and are required to provide a 24-hour contact to address any compliance issues. Additionally, as part of the annual permit application package, operators are required to include a fee in the amount of $500.


Approved Dockless Mobility Permits (2021)

24-Hour Contact

Bird Rides, Inc.

(Permit # ADM21-00003)

Joseph Rehanek
