Brookhaven Connect Service Request

Brookhaven Connect

The City of Brookhaven offers Brookhaven Connect, a free smart phone app for citizens to report problems like potholes, code violations or sidewalk issues. The app is currently available for iPhoneAndroid, and Windows phones or at CitySourced on other devices.  Or, submit your issue directly here.

Brookhaven Connect is not intended for reporting issues that need to be addressed immediately. For downed trees across roads, traffic signals on flash or “dark,” or downed stop signs, citizens should call the Public Works main number 404-637-0540 and press “1” to connect to the on-call staff. Citizens should call 911 for all public safety emergencies that require police, fire or ambulance.

To report traffic violations such as speeding or running stop signs, fill out a Traffic Complaint Form here.

If the issue you are reporting is a water or sewer emergency, call DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management at 770-270-6243, a 24-hour emergency number.

If you have a complaint related to a noise violation, impassible streets due to construction activity, or construction during unauthorized hours (Before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. Monday through Friday; before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on Saturdays; or all day Sunday) please contact the Brookhaven Police Department (Public Service Representative) at 404-637-0600.

Select the Account tab to create or login to an account.  Creating an account will allow you to login and check the status of your request.

To submit an anonymous request (no tracking, no updates) select the requests button to begin and select "Create Anonymously..."