Brookhaven launches historic resources project, seeks public input

Lynwood Park School under construction in 1955


Brookhaven, GA, April 21, 2021 –Brookhaven is seeking to catalog historical sites in the City and is asking for public input to help with this project.

“From our very own Lynwood Recreation Center that was the site of an historic desegregation, to locations like China Grove Missionary First Baptist Church which just celebrated its 100th anniversary, this City has a rich history that needs to be catalogued,” said Community Development Director Patrice Ruffin. “We’re asking the public for its help in identifying the sites that make up the historic fabric of Brookhaven.”

The City has launched a website at that includes a portal to a historical “story map” compiled by the City’s Community Development and GIS departments, an online tool where residents can input historical information on an interactive map, and a list of other historical resources.

The website’s creation follows some other steps the City has taken to note its history. In October 2020 the City Council approved an official historic designation for Lynwood Park and its community, and in 2015 the book “Images of America: Brookhaven” was commissioned by the City and former Mayor Rebecca Chase Williams.

In the future, Ruffin says the Community Development Department hopes to contract with a historian to chronicle Brookhaven’s incorporation efforts and its first 10 years.

“I think having our history written down is extremely important for the City’s  future operations,” said Brookhaven Mayor John Ernst. “Plus, there’s just a lot of great stories to document.”


Media Contact: 
Ann Marie Quill
Communications Manager