Brookhaven approves changes to allow short term rentals

Brookhaven, GA, April 25, 2019 – At its April 23, meeting, the Brookhaven City Council made changes to its zoning ordinance to allow all homeowners to engage in short term rentals under certain conditions.

In November 2018, Brookhaven adopted a complete zoning code rewrite which included regulations that only allowed short-term rentals in areas currently zoned for a multi-family use with a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP). 

“The guiding principle for this code change was that all residents and citizens should have the right to do what they want with their property,” said Councilman John Park.  “When you have potential situations where those rights could affect others, a mechanism needed to be in place to suspend permits if they become a nuisance.”    

The council’s action allows that all single-family houses that are eligible for a homestead exemption can participate in short term rentals for no more than 180 days in any given year. A standard permit from the Community Development Department is required.  A property with more than two code violations in a year would not be eligible for a permit or permit renewal.

“I’m happy with the steps we took on this matter,” added Park. “We wanted to ensure the rights of residents were protected yet wanted others to have the right to go on vacation and rent their homes out if they desire. We should all have the right to do so as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.” 
