Infill Sidewalk Projects

Updated 7/15/24

Created 7/12/24

Infill Sidewalk Project – Oconee Pass / Chippewa Ct

The City begins construction of a new concrete sidewalk along the south side of Oconee Pass / the west side of Chippewa Ct leading to the rear of Montgomery Elementary School as part of the Annual Infill Sidewalk Program.


Traditionally, Montgomery Elementary students who walk or are dropped off on Oconee Pass to avoid long car lines have two choices to reach the school:  the multiuse path on Ashford Dunwoody Rd or along the shoulder of Oconee Pass / Chippewa Ct. That’s about to change.  We listened to the students and parents and will begin Phase I construction of a 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk along parts of Oconee Pass / Chippewa Ct to the existing rear entrance to Montgomery Elementary.  This section will be completed over the next four to five weeks.  At a later date, the gaps between the two sections will be filled pending survey and design activities. Phase I work shall start  the week of July15th with the goal of completing the work as close to the start of the school year as possible.


Infill Sidewalk Project – Canmont Drive

The City begins construction of the last leg of sidewalk along Canmont Drive to John Lewis Elementary School through the City’s Annual Infill Sidewalk Program.

Construction Progress: Excavation for new sidewalk east of and across South Garden Ct started week of 7/15. New concrete sidewalk and apron on South Garden Ct  scheduled Tuesday, 7/16, weather permitting.


The existing sidewalk on Canmont Drive, east of the South Garden Ct subdivision, requires pedestrians, including many school-age children, to walk along the edge of Canmont Drive for over 400 feet before reaching the corner of Skyland Drive where there is no pedestrian crosswalk through Skyland Dr to John R. Lewis Elementary School.  As part of the City’s Annual Infill Sidewalk Program this gap will be filled with a new 5-foot-wide sidewalk, an ADA compliant ramp, and a new, striped crosswalk over Skyland Dr.  Due to the proximity of the sidewalk to a cherished redwood near the South Garden Ct property line and existing slopes, special sidewalk designs consisting of a wooden “bridge” and a “turndown” sidewalk section, will be incorporated in the project. This work shall start as soon as possible with the goal of completing the work as close to the start of the school year as possible. This work will start Monday, July 15,