Brookhaven completes two sidewalk projects

Brookhaven, GA, May 2, 2019 – The Brookhaven Public Works Department completed two more sidewalk projects, which included ADA ramps, utility adjustments and adjusting existing granite curbs to City standards.

In March, the Brookhaven City Council unanimously approved contracts with DAF Concrete Inc. for the E. Drew Valley Road sidewalk in the amount of $34,000, and for the Cheshire Way sidewalk in the amount of $38,000.

Construction crews completed 330 linear-feet of sidewalk on Cheshire Way (left) and 340 linear-feet on
E. Drew Valley Road (right). 

“These projects are ADA-compliant and improves safe walkability in these areas,” said Public Works Director Hari Karikaran. “The Public Works Department is continuing to implement the City Sidewalk Program adopted by the City Council.”

Other sidewalk improvements planned for 2019 include a section on Cortez Lane from Cortez Way to Drew Valley Road.

“These sidewalk projects are another step in the right direction to make Brookhaven a greener and more pedestrian-friendly place to live, work, and play,” said Brookhaven Mayor John Ernst.

