Department Divisions

Uniform Patrol Division

The Uniform Patrol Division (UPD) is the largest and the most visible component of the Brookhaven Police Department.  Patrol officers are the first responders to 911 calls and enforce municipal ordinances and state laws.  They also lead the department’s community policing efforts and work diligently to form partnerships with Brookhaven residents and businesses.

Uniform Patrol officers work 12-hour shifts beginning at 6:30 am or 6:30 pm, and are divided into four shifts.  Each shift is commanded by a lieutenant and comprised of nine patrol officers, one canine officer, and two sergeants.  The Uniform Patrol Shift Commanders are: Jacob Kissel, Anthony Petron, Carlos Nino and Corey Van Alen.

The City is geographically divided into eight patrol beats based on neighborhoods, natural boundaries, and demands for service.  Each shift has a unique set of challenges and officers utilize a variety of patrol techniques to address specific issues.  This includes uniformed and plain clothes operations; vehicle, foot, bicycle, and ATV patrols; and targeted enforcement and education activities that encourage police-community interaction while deterring crime.

The Uniform Patrol Division is commanded by Major Jeffery Gant.

Criminal Investigations Unit

The Criminal Investigations Unit (CIU) is tasked with investigative assignments and crime scene processing for the police department.  The division is staffed by a major, a lieutenant, a sergeant and seven investigators.

CIU is managed by Lieutenant Moises Vargas. The investigators assigned to this division are highly proficient in the application of crime scene practices, interview and interrogation techniques, and a variety of investigative resources used to conduct thorough investigations.  Investigators perform proactive law enforcement activities and conduct investigations into a variety of crimes, including violent crimes, property crimes, financial crimes, crimes against children, and narcotics. They respond directly to serious crime scenes and provide victim assistance.

CIU also includes the Crime Scene Investigations unit (CSI), which employs two full-time crime scene specialists. These employees are highly trained in forensic examination and the collection of evidence. From drug identification and testing to fingerprint identification and photography, these investigators have the tools and abilities to collect evidence critical to criminal investigations and prosecutions. Some of their specialty skills include: Photography, fingerprint collection and identification, chemical processing, blood evidence collection, tool mark evidence, drug testing and identification, footwear comparison, and DNA sampling.

The Property and Evidence Unit is also contained within the Division and is responsible for taking in and cataloging all evidence and property collected during investigations as evidence or for safekeeping.  The evidence custodian is also responsible for the release of property.  Appointments to retrieve property may be made by calling Evidence Custodian A. Malette at 404-637-0558 or emailing:

The Criminal Investigations Division oversees the Office of Professional Standards and Internal Affairs.  OPS/IA is responsible for investigating complaints made against BPD Officers.


Support Services Division

The Support Services Division is divided into two sections: Administrative Services and Special Operations.

The Administrative Services Section is managed by Lieutenant John Ritch and includes:  Public Service Representatives, who provide 24-hour presence at Police Headquarters for public contact in person and by telephone, handle the agency’s access to the Georgia and National Crime Information Centers (GCIC/NCIC), and process bonds; the Records Unit, which is responsible for filling open records requests and maintaining police records; and the Training Unit which oversees internal police training programs, applicant selection/hiring, and state certification/accreditation.

The Special Operations Section is managed by Lieutenant Patrick Bolls, and includes the Community Engagement and Traffic Safety Units, as well as off-duty assignments and special projects.  The Community Engagement Unit (CEU) is tasked primarily with facilitating police-community relationships with residents and businesses throughout Brookhaven.  These relationships allow us to effectively understand and respond to community concerns in partnership with our community members and officers in other divisions.  CEU officers also give public presentations, attend community meetings, and provide crime prevention and safety tips.  The unit oversees community programs including: Citizens on Patrol, Citizens Police Academy, and the Police Explorer / Public Safety Cadet program.

The Traffic Safety Unit is tasked with providing high visibility enforcement of traffic laws, including: speeding, DUI, occupant protection, distracted driving, and other injury-causing driving behaviors.  The members of TSU are highly trained in the technical aspects of crash investigation and reconstruction, and are tasked with investigating all serious injury, fatality, and hit-and run crashes that occur in the city.

The Public Information Office is also managed by the Support Services Division.  The unit is responsible for responding to media inquiries, issuing news-releases and other public statements regarding significant incidents, and facilitating the effective use of social media platforms.