Eggstra-ordinary Easter egg hunt a hit

Brookhaven's first Eggstra-ordinary Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 13 at Lynwood Park

Accommodates special needs youngsters

Brookhaven, GA, April 17, 2019 – All of the elements of a regular Easter Egg Hunt were there…Peter Rabbit posing for photos, plastic eggs filled with prizes, joy on youngsters’ faces.

Missing were hordes of children competing for the bounty. And, in this instance, that was a good thing.

The Eggstra-ordinary Easter Egg Hunt held on Saturday, April 13, at Lynwood Park, 3360 Osborne Road, offered children with special needs the opportunity to hunt for eggs without too much competition. “We are so grateful to Brookhaven for having an event like this where our special ones are not overrun by crowds of kids all competing for the same egg,” noted one parent. “Usually our youngsters just get pushed out of the way in the frenzy to pick up the eggs.”

About a dozen visually and hearing-impaired youngsters as well as those with sensory-sensitive issues had complete access to the brightly-colored eggs strewn across the park’s handicap accessible basketball court. Activities included beeping eggs, magnetic eggs with wands to help find them, a bean bag hunt for sensory-sensitive children and other activities specially tailored to the youngsters.

Posing with Peter Rabbit was a hit as well and everyone at some point was in line to get a special design painted on their face.

Presented this year for the first time, the Eggstra-ordinary event is on tap to return next year.


Media Contact:
Burke Brennan
Communications Director