Census takers expected to visit Brookhaven homes starting next week

Census taker

Brookhaven, Ga August 4, 2020— The U.S. Census Bureau will send census takers to knock on doors of homes that have yet to respond to the census, according to officials. Local door-to-door operations are currently scheduled to begin on Aug. 11 and continue through September.

Currently, less than 60 percent of all Brookhaven residents have responded to the census. Responding to the census is mandated by the constitution. Households that have not responded by phone, mail, or online can expect a census taker to knock on their door soon. Census takers will interview a household member to gather all the needed information to complete the census, such as name, age, sex, race, and ethnicity of all household members. Federal law mandates that all information remain confidential.

If residents want to avoid a census taker knocking on their door, they can still respond online with any device with internet connection at www.my2020census.gov or by calling 884-330-2020 between 7 a.m. and 2 a.m.

“It is vital to all of us that every household participate in the census, and include every household member, especially children. We must ensure that Brookhaven has its fair share of funding by having an accurate and complete count of all our residents,” said Brookhaven Mayor John Ernst. “The coronavirus pandemic has shown us the great importance of proper funding for health care, emergency services, and economic relief programs. Almost every penny of the funding for these necessary services and programs are based on census data.”

According to the Census Bureau, census takers, who are locally hired, complete a COVID-19 training on social distancing and other health and safety protocols before beginning their work in neighborhoods. They will be wearing personal protective equipment such as masks and adhering to local public health guidelines. Upon arrival, they will present to residents an ID badge that includes their name, their photograph, a Department of Commerce watermark, and expiration date. They will have an official bag and a Census Bureau-issued electronic device, such as a laptop or smartphone, bearing the Census Bureau logo. Census takers and field representatives will conduct their work between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

To learn more about the census and its impact on the Brookhaven community visit: www.BrookhavenGA.gov/census2020.

Census materials