Brookhaven establishes Arts and Culture Commission to advance the arts and culture master plan

Brookhaven, Ga, Jan. 28, 2021— The Brookhaven City Council unanimously approved a resolution to establish the Brookhaven Arts and Culture Commission, which will advocate for advancing the arts and culture master plan Arts Brookhaven: A Vision for Culture and Creativity in our Community, adopted in 2020. The Commission will include nine voting seats and up to ten ex-officio seats. Members will consist of both community members and regional experts with advisory roles for high school and university students.

"As a City that values the power of public art, I am proud of the Arts and Culture Master Plan completed and adopted in 2020. However, the plan is just the roadmap. Now, we move on to the next step: to have a seated Arts Commission that transforms the projects within the plan into a reality,” said Brookhaven Mayor John Ernst. “I expect to see many exciting, innovative, and inspiring projects from this Commission that will make Brookhaven the leading art city in the Atlanta metro area.” 

The Arts and Culture Commission is tasked with: 

  • Advising City Council on arts projects. 
  • The advancement of Arts Brookhaven, following vision and principles of the strategic plan.
  • Establishment of a system for solicitation, selection of and delivery of art projects.
  • Making recommendations and actively participate in government and foundation grants and partnerships.
  • Advise, seek community input, and make recommendations to Council on public arts.
  • Report to Council a minimum of two times annually, with a minimum of one report including funding recommendations.

The City Council adopted Arts Brookhaven on Sept. 22, 2020. The plan was developed by the Arts Advisory Committee over a 12-month period based on in-depth research and community outreach. It also called for the establishment of an Arts and Culture Commission. 

In order to advance arts and cultural offerings in Brookhaven, the Mayor and City Council established the City of Brookhaven Arts fund dedicating an amount equal to the annual interest on $2,000,000 of unassigned general funds to a segregated non-lapsing account. 

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